Nile basin initiative pdf file download

The nile basin initiative 7 integration and coordination with the nile basin initiative 8 project management 8 3. Cairo, egypt the largest of the nile cities, with nearly 11 million residents. The nbi has developed a shared vision to achieve sustainable socioeconomic development through the equitable utilization of, and benefit from, the common nile basin water resources, nile basin initiative secretariat. There are nine member countries egypt, sudan, ethiopia, uganda, kenya. The nile basin, in the context of this report, refers not only to the physical drainage area of the nile with its associated biophysical and ecological elements, but also to the people living within the basin. Nbi induction course feb 2020 nile basin initiative.

The baroakobosobat sub basin is shared by ethiopia and south sudan. Executive director nile basin initiative secretariat entebbe, uganda. The nile basin initiative nbi is a partnership among the nile riparian states that seeks to develop the river in a cooperative manner, share substantial socioeconomic benefits, and promote regional peace and security. Download pdf, 770 kb contact nile basin initiative secretariat nile sec p. The nbd has a presence in all 11 of the riparian countries of the nile basin through. Water ministers of the following countries participate since 1999. The nile river basin from srtm data whitebox geospatial. A vision of distributive justice and state action is advanced, drawing on the theoretical bases of the morality of states, and cosmopolitanism. The nile river basin and its changing legal contours. The effective and efficient management of water is a major problem, not just for economic growth and development in the nile river basin, but also for the peaceful coexistence of the millions of pe. The nile basin initiative and the comprehensive framework.

This annual corporate report 2019 provides an overview of nile basin initiative nbis roles and responsibilities, institutional set up. Eshra researcher, nile research institute, national water research center, egypt email. The water resources of the nile basin nile basin initiative. During the reporting period, the nile basin initiative turned 20 years of existence on february 22, 2019. Since it was established in 1999, the nile basin initiative has registered commendable achievements in terms of maintaining the cooperation platform, generating knowledge and tools as well as building capacity to enable informed decision making on the management and development of the shared river nile. Publications nile basin intitative nbi nile basin initiative. The history of water relations in the nile river basin indicates the existence of cooperation as well as conflict since the 1950s. Nile basin initiative is a regional intergovernmental partnership launched by the nile basin countries on 22nd february, 1999 to manage and develop the shared nile basin water resources in a cooperative manner, share substantial socioeconomic benefits and. A combination of pragmatic and theoretical perspectives permits the development of recommendations for future action by states engaged in the nile basin initiative, for the common good. Nile sec nile basin initiative secretariat nile tac nile technical advisory committee nteap nile transboundary environmental action program pet potential evapotranspiration ppp purchasing power parity sadc southern africa development community tecconile technical cooperation for the promotion of the development and environmental protection of.

Nbi role in facing energy security challenges in the nile. By 2050, the population of the nile basin countries is projected to more than double from around 400 million to one billion. The nile basin initiative secretariat nile sec announces the release of the nb dss 2017. Past efforts to enhance regional cooperation such as the nile basin initiative and the cooperative framework. The nbi seeks to develop the river in a cooperative manner. Burundi, the democratic republic of congo drc, egypt, ethiopia, kenya, rwanda, south sudan, the sudan, tanzania, and uganda. The nile river basin has been characterised by many things, including water scarcity, rapid population growth, widespread poverty and conflict over control of the nile waters. Doc name africa nile basin initiative water resources management and planning project. Nile basin water resources atlas nile basin initiative. Nile basin initiative nbi projects water policy good practice guides and support, project planning and management good practice guides, nile basin decision support system, and regional coordination and facilitation. Opportunities and challenges of the growing nile population. The forum was organized in collaboration with the ministry of environment, water and natural resources, of the government of kenya, from 67 october, 2014 in nairobi.

The findings reported herein can assist in improving irrigation water management in egypt and the nile basin. Due to its length, characteristics, and its path through many cities and villages, many impacts and. The nile basin initiative nbi is a partnership of the states found along the course of the nile1. Nile basin member states to boost cooperation for water security the ten member states of the nile basin initiative have committed to continued cooperation to ensure that all people living in the basin have water security. The nile basin initiative nbi is an intergovernmental partnership of 10 nile basin countries, namely burundi, dr congo, egypt, ethiopia, kenya, rwanda, south sudan, the sudan, tanzania and uganda. Advertisement position of accountant nile basin initiative. The hydropolitics of the nile river basin springerlink. It also discusses the 1959 nile agreement under which egypt and sudan divided the entire nile flow between themselves. The nile basin development forum nbdf is a biennial high level regional event convened by the nile basin initiative nbi in collaboration with its member states and in partnership with development partners. The nile basin discourse nbd is a civil society regional umbrella organization created to strengthen civil society participation in nbi developmental processes and programmes the nbd was formally established in 2002 by the iucn, world bank and wwf. Nile basin initiative, 2012, the state of the nile river basin 2012, nile basin. The nbi was established on february 1999 by nine riparian countries as a transitional institution to embark on the realization of a jointly articulated shared vision. The nile basin initiative nbi is a body formed in 1999 to develop the river in a cooperative manner, share substantial socioeconomic benefits, and promote regional peace and security. Burundi, dr congo, ethiopia, egypt, kenya, rwanda, sudan, tanzania and uganda while eritrea has observer statuser.

The nile basin initiative secretariat nile sec is the executive arm of the nile basin initiative nbi based in entebbe, uganda. Contact nile basin initiative secretariat nile sec p. Nile basin initiative is a regional intergovernmental partnership launched by the nile basin countries on 22nd february, 1999 to manage and develop the shared nile basin water resources in a cooperative manner, share substantial socioeconomic benefits and promote regional peace and security. The nile basin initiative is a regional intergovernmental partnership launched by the nile basin countries on february 22, 1999, to manage and develop the shared nile basin water and related resources in a cooperative manner, share substantial socioeconomic benefits, and promote. A vision of distributive justice and state action is advanced, drawing on the theoretical bases of literature regarding the morality of states, and cosmopolitanism. The nbi began with a dialogue among the riparian states that resulted in a shared vision objective to achieve sustainable socioeconomic development through the. The nile ripar ian countr ies founded the nil e basin commission, then nil e basin initiative nbi, in 1999, with funds f orm world bank, aiming.

The nbi secretariat nile sec is the executive and technical arm of the nbi, an institution jointly owned by all the 10 member states. A protected area is defined as a geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values. Nile river basin initiative international waters governance. Nbinelsap completed a number of key power interconnection feasibility studies in region kenyaugandarwandaburundi and drc interconnection of electric grids feasibility studies 6 lines. An act to confer legal status in uganda on the nile basin initiative, and otherwise give the force of law in uganda to the signed agreed minute no.

Among the major achievements of the nbi is the establishment of the nile equatorial lakes subsidiary action program nelsap. The nile basin initiative nbi is an intergovernmental partnership of ten nile riparian countries that is seeking to manage and develop the common nile water resources in a cooperative manner and promote regional peace and security. In recognition of this, the nile council of ministers declared 2019 the year of the nile basin, with the motto putting water at the heart of regional transformation. The nile basin initiative nbi aims to ensure that nile basin countries work together to unlock the huge potential in order to bring a vast range of benefits to nile basin citizens including increased hydropower, food production, improved management of watersheds and better. Technical documents nile basin intitative nbi nile basin initiative. Information products for nile basin water resources. Water use is simply the amount of water used by a country or other. This publication launched on february 22, 2019 at the 20 th anniversary of the nile basin initiative nbi, outlines the evolution and development of the organization in the last 20 years february 1999 february 2019 and what lessons can be drawn to feed into future cooperation. Nevertheless, there have been attempts at cooperation, and they culminated in the establishment of the nile basin initiative and negotiation of the nile basin cooperative framework agreement cfa. Nile sec is in the process of rolling out 300 dss internet floating licenses to nile basin countries to help modeling and research teams access dss functionality without need of hardware keys dongles and license files. A goal of the nbi has been to establish a cooperative framework agreement cfa to replace earlier bilateral treaties and to formalize the transformation of the nile basin initiative into a permanent nile river basin commission. Entro eastern nile technical regional office is one of the three centers of the nile basin initiative, nbi. Nonprofit making organisations like nbi government water resources related projects. Wetlands are valuable ecosystems that play an important role in maintaining environmental.

The nile basin, is an african hydrographic basin, which has its main flow of flow the nile river, being the second largest basin in the continent, besides being effectively the most notable basin in africa. The nile basin initiative nbi has continued to play a key role, providing a platform for advancing cooperation among member states for the sustainable management and development of the common nile basin water resources. This chapter describes the main socioeconomic indicators for nile basin countries. The nile basin initiative nbi is an intergovernmental organization initiated and led by the nile riparian countries to promote joint development, protection and management of the common nile basin water resources. The baroakobosobat nile subbasin nile basin initiative. Recently, there has been negative escalation of disputes regarding the hydropolitical interactions within the regional system of the nile basin region. Nile basin initiative, and in line with its overarching goal of fostering evidencebased water resources management and development, nbi has prepared a water resources atlas for the nile basin.

This annual corporate report 2019 provides an overview of nile basin initiative nbis roles and responsibilities, institutional setup. Press releases nile basin intitative secretariat nilesec. If the inline pdf is not rendering correctly, you can download the pdf file here. Nile basin strategic action program at present nile basin initiative nbi is operational as the transitional institutional mechanism after tecconile. Wetlands are valuable ecosystems that play an important role in maintaining environmental quality, sustaining livelihoods and supporting biodiversity. The nile basin initiative nbi is a major regional undertaking to steer countries away from further conflict, and move towards allinclusive cooperation in the. The process of the nile basin initiative nbi, which began in early 1990s, is the exception. Nile basin initiative welcome to eastern nile technical.

Payroll processing incorporate all updates from the hr department and incorporate into the system. In april 2010, seven of the nile basin states agreed to open the cfa for signature. This, along with changes in the climate and the desired socioeconomic transformation, will put even greater pressure on nile basin water resources. Africa nile basin initiative water resources management and. Download pdf, 168 kb concept note ministerial panel final. Nbi climate change strategy ii context about the nile basin initiative the nile basin initiative nbi is an intergovernmental partnership of riparian states of the nile river.

Nile, which will be realized through concrete investments carried out under the saps. The nile basin initiative is comprised of council of minis. None of these efforts, however, succeeded in bringing together all the countries that share the nile basin. Importance of international cooperation between the river nile basins d. The atlas presents well synthesized and interpreted information with a special. Pdf counter hydro hegemony mechanisms and their roles in. The nile basin water resources atlas provides a platform to visualize the status of nile basin. I am proud to report that during the last year, nbi made remarkable advancement in nile cooperation. Oct 07, 2014 the nile river basin from srtm data someone asked the other day whether the crossplatform, free and opensource gis whitebox gat can handle watershed delineation from massive, regionalscale dems. The nile basin initiative nbi, which was created in 1999 and is supported to a large extent by euro pean countries, has also not been particularly successful. The objective is to enable better understanding of socioeconomic development of riparian countries. It was implemented by the ten nile riparians with technical and operational assistance of the food and agriculture organization of the united nations fao. Toward a consensual and sustainable allocation of the nile river waters john mukum mbaku and mwangi s. The nile basin initiative nbi is an intergovernmental organization initiated and led by the nile.

Shared visionshared vision action on the ground action on the ground shared vision program. To achieve sustainable socioeconomic development through equitable utilization of, and benefit from, the common nile basin water resources. The efficacy of water treaties in the eastern nile basin. Historical legacy otensions oopportunities othe nile a source of conflict or an opportunity. The event is a sciencepolicy dialogue that provides an opportunity for sharing latest. Pdf the efficacy of water treaties in the eastern nile basin. Nbi role in facing energy security challenges in the nile basin. This map shows protected areas with in the nile basin region. To achieve sustainable socioeconomic development through the equitable utilization of, and benefit from, the common nile basin water resources contents main features of the river nile key nile basin. The nile basin, in the context of this report, refers not only to the physical drainage area of the nile with its associated biophysical and ecological elements, but also to the people living within the basin and features of their social, cultural. A pattern of small land holdings makes burundi one of the more densely populated rural areas of the nile basin. August 2008 nile com reengagement, reopening of the file at the. Established in november 2002 by the nile council of ministers nile com, nile sec is a strong institution, with highly competent staff able to deliver critical services and products for sustainable development in. The project was supported by the government of italy and was carried out under the umbrella of the nile basin initiative, of which italy was a full partner.

The nile basin exhibits large variations in climate ranging from the tropical climate at the sources of the blue and white nile to the mediterranean climate at the mouth of the nile. Strengthening agricultural research in eastern and central africa. They had a particular interest in the nile river basin. Pdf hydropolitics in the nile river basin have been dominated by egypt, which has developed its waterrelated infrastructure unilaterally. Its objective was to bring the nile riparians around the negotiating table and, in parallel, to promote technical. Maps nile basin intitative nbi nile basin initiative. It provides occupations for more than 75% of the total labour force and contributes to onethird of the gdp in the basin. Regional partnership for cooperative action guided by a shared vision. Infographics nile basin intitative secretariat nilesec. It shows the range and complexity of the programmers and activities undertaken over the years as well as some. The nile basin the term basin refers to the geographical area drained by a river or lake. The nile basin initiative nbi has utilized such advances and generated adataset of et estimates over the. In april 2010, seven of the nile basin states agreed to.

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